Calivita Polinesian Noni Juice

Er zijn afgelegen plekken op aarde, waar de zalige gevolgen van de beschaving nauwelijks sporen hebben achtergelaten. Krijg in balans met CaliVita's Noni producten die afkomstig zijn van Polynesië, waar de inwoners zijn nog steeds meer blootgesteld aan de grilligheid van de natuur dan de burgers van gerenommeerde maatschappijen.
Polinesian Noni - gevriesdroogd Nonisap (Morinda citrifolia)
Polinesian Noni active ingredient:
Noni fruit solids (Morinda citrifolia)
Freeze-dried noni for immunity
Morinda citrifolia
How noni adaptogens work
How does noni fruit work?
- strengthen immunity
- support mental performance
- have a positive effect on physical performance
Freeze-dried noni juice
Who is especially recommended to drink noni juice?
- All people who want to positively influence the body's immunity.
- People who want to support the mental and physical performance of the body.
- Subject to stress.
- People who want to gain energy and vitality.
- During body cleansing.
liquid food supplement Calivita: Polinesian Noni
Polinesian Noni active ingredients
- Do not exceed the recommended daily intake.
- Food supplements cannot substitute for a balanced mixed diet.
- Keep out of reach of young children.
Once opened, store in the refrigerator.
Keywords: Calivita noni, Polynesian Noni Juice, Calivita, noni fruit, noni Calivita, Morinda citrifolia, strengthening the body
Calivita Noni Juice
Morinda citrifolia
Noni (Morinda citrifolia) is a unique evergreen plant indigenous to Polynesia, Malaysia, Australia and South-East Asia. It ranges in size up to a maximum of 10 meters, and bears a oblong green fruit that is exceptionally rich in beneficial micronutrients and phytochemicals.What does noni contain and how it works
Prokseronine from noni fruit
The freeze-dried juice with whole fruit noni
What does noni juice help?
- Strengthening the body, convalescence, fatigue states
- Depression, frequent mood swings
- Migraines, insomnia, mental dissociation
- Pain of various origins (among others. Headache, menstrual)
- Weakened immunity, allergies
Why choose Polinesian Noni and some useful combinations
- lyophilized juice of the noni fruit
- triple-concentrated active ingredients
- pharmaceutical quality of raw materials
- perfect preservation-proof packaging
- pleasant taste
- best seller in Europe

Wang Mian-Ying, West, Brett J. Jensen, C. Jarakae: Morinda citrifolia (Noni): A literature review and recent advances in Noni research. Acta Pharmacol Sin 2002 Dec 23 (12): 1127-1141
Nelson, Scott C .: Species Profiles for Pacific Island agroforestry Morinda citrifolia (noni).
Saf-ur Rehman Mandukhail et al: Studies on antidyslipidemic effects of Morinda citrifolia (Noni) fruit, leaves and root extracts. Lipids in Health and Disease 2010, 9:88
Noni, the queen of fruits
Noni is one of the most popular exotic superfruits as it is extremely rich in nutrients that help preserve health. The development of modern technology, combined with CaliVita®’s environment-friendly production, ensures that you get the most out of this amazing fruit.
What are some of the benefits of consuming noni on daily bases?
- Its antibacterial effect may help avoid infections or make their treatment easier. Certain active agents found in noni act against bacteria that most commonly cause food infection and poisoning. Other studies have proved that its effectiveness in inhibiting the bacterium causing tuberculosis is comparable to that of antibiotics.
- Noni may effectively complement the therapy against high blood pressure.
- A 2010 study shows that consumption of noni prevented the triglyceride and LDL cholesterol levels in the blood from rising when consuming high-fat content foods. Such blood fats are largely responsible for arteriosclerosis and a part of cardiac diseases.
- Studies, topped with consumer testaments show that noni has alleviative and anti-inflammatory effects. Additionally, it is gentler to the stomach then anti-inflmmatory agents and causes no side-effects.
- In vitro studies have also confirmed the extraordinary antioxidant effect of noni. During the experiment it protected the cells from free radicals almost three times as effectively as vitamin C.
Studies on antidyslipidemic effects of Morinda citrifolia (Noni) fruit, leaves and root extracts - Mandukhail et al. Lipids in Health and Disease 2010, 9:88
The Antinociceptive and Anti-inflammatory Action of the CHCl3-Soluble Phase and Its Main Active Component, Damnacanthal, Isolated from the Root of Morinda citrifolia - Kanako OKUSADA,, Kazuo NAKAMOTO, Mikako NISHIDA, Biol. Pharm. Bull. 34(1) 103—107 (2011)
Tabrah FL, Eveleth BM. Evaluation of the effectiveness of ancient Hawaiian medicine. HawaiiMed J 1966; 25: 223-30.
American ChemicalSociety: Noni plant may yield new drugs to fight tuberculosis. Press releas e the 2000 International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies. 2000.
Youngken HW, Jenkins H J,Butler CL. Studies on Morinda citrifolia L. II. J Am Pharm Assoc 1960; 49: 271-3.
Asahina AY, Ebesu JSM, Ichinotsubo D, Tongson J, Hokama Y. Effect of okadaic acid (OA) and Noni fruit extraction in the synthesis of tumor necrosis factor-a (TNF-a) by peripheral blood mononuclear (PBN) cells in vitro. The Procedings of the International Symposium of Ciguatera and Marine Natural Products; 1994. p 197-205.
Wang MY, Su C. Cancer preventive effect of Morinda citrifolia. The proceedings of the Strang International Cancer Prevention Conference. 2000 Nov 10-11, New York
Research on the fruit of Noni
Properties of noni, were known to people 6,000 years ago, and civilization originating from Europe heard about noni already in the eighteenth century.
Key components of noni and the benefits they provide to us
Proxeronine and proxeronase
Fitonutrients and selenium
New on Noni
Noni - "Protein and enzymatic bomb"
Dr. Neil Solomon, Noni Juice, How much, how often, for what
In addition, he participated in many radio and television programs, was the main commentator in the field of health on CNN TV. Dr. Neil Solomon spent more than 10 years of intensive research on noni juice, by this time asking himself questions as often as the optimal use of noni juice in a variety of diseases and health conditions.
What dose
To achieve the expected results when using Noni is paramount receiving the appropriate dose for a sufficiently long period of time and so-called. discipline of drinking juice. Noni juice should be applied on an empty stomach, the fasting or 2-3 hours after eating a meal, coffee, tea, alcohol, cigarettes, and the earliest half an hour or better hour before eating, taking drugs, drinking tea, coffee, alcohol, smoking and ... brushing - as previously would start the process of digestion and juice have been digested and not absorbed by the body (cell).
Then remains for us only to give our body time to revitalize. The miracle will not happen overnight. It is a process which lasts 100-200 days, so long as the cell needs to regenerate and restore the body to homeostasis or biochemical balance, and thus health. Therefore, it is assumed that it takes so long to cure Noni juice.
When the first results
Noni - fruit longevity
Relaxation and good sleep
Noni - the famous fighter against cancer
Good blood circulation and good potency
Stop inflammation and pain
Noni for digestion
The use of Noni Juice with other drugs
Nono, my good grandfather ...
For the last years, our Polynesian Noni delight their customers and consistently holds first place as the most wanted product. Not without reason, because the properties of this Polynesian fruit was well known far in the past ........
Also try the new original Organic Noni juice
Organic Noni provides the body of valuable nutrients, such as amino acids, vitamins, minerals, and a very important proxeronine. Noni fruit included in the product comes from the organic farms and therefore must comply with rigorous criteria for organic production. In addition, organic production does not pollute the soil and water, and the producted fruit are tastier and richer in nutrients.
Follow the trends, be eco!

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