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Calivita Polinesian Noni Juice

Calivita Polinesian Noni
Premium Biologisch
946 ml

Er zijn afgelegen plekken op aarde, waar de zalige gevolgen van de beschaving nauwelijks sporen hebben achtergelaten. Krijg in balans met CaliVita's Noni producten die afkomstig zijn van Polynesië, waar de inwoners zijn nog steeds meer blootgesteld aan de grilligheid van de natuur dan de burgers van gerenommeerde maatschappijen.
Hoeveelheid in voorraad: 7
54.90 €
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Polinesian Noni - gevriesdroogd Nonisap (Morinda citrifolia)

Polinesian Noni
Noni juice

To whom and when do we recommend it?

Polinesian Noni active ingredient:
Noni fruit solids (Morinda citrifolia)

Freeze-dried noni for immunity

Polinesian Noni Juice - Noni - lyophilised (freeze-dried)

Noni fruit has a beneficial effect on the immune system and enhances mental and physical performance. In the production of Polynesian Noni Juice are not used fruits from agricultural crops. All noni fruit in the product derived from wild forest unspoilt, uncontaminated by modern civilization and industry. It is therefore completely natural.
Polynesian Noni is freeze-dried so that all the valuable ingredients are preserved.

Morinda citrifolia

Morinda citrifolia, containing noni fruits that are nutritious and healthy, is an evergreen plant that is now enjoying increasing international recognition. Its widespread success has been linked to the theory that it acts as an adaptogen.

How noni adaptogens work
Adaptogens are a safe support for normal, proper body functions. They help to keep the body in a state of natural balance, and if necessary - especially in cases of stress or increased physical / mental activity, they mobilize it to act. They only show such an impact on physiological processes that is desired in a given situation and do not cause side effects.

How does noni fruit work?
  • strengthen immunity
  • support mental performance
  • have a positive effect on physical performance

Freeze-dried noni juice

Polinesian Noni is produced by the freeze-drying technology, thanks to which it maintains the maximum nutritional value and is not pasteurized.

Who is especially recommended to drink noni juice?

  • All people who want to positively influence the body's immunity.
  • People who want to support the mental and physical performance of the body.
  • Subject to stress.
  • People who want to gain energy and vitality.
  • During body cleansing.

Did you know that ... one of the most important ingredients in the noni fruit is proxeronine? This molecule is converted into xeronine in the human body, which is involved in many important physiological processes, e.g. it effectively supports the proper functioning of the immune and endocrine systems.

liquid food supplement Calivita: Polinesian Noni

Freeze-dried Noni fruit

946 ml


2 tablespoons daily

Polinesian Noni active ingredients

1 portion (30 ml) contains:

See product description billion

water, fructose, freeze-dried Noni fruit (Morinda citrifolia), acidity regulator: citric acid, natural blueberry flavor, natural raspberry flavor, thickening agent: xanthan gum, preservative: potassium sorbate.

  • Do not exceed the recommended daily intake.
  • Food supplements cannot substitute for a balanced mixed diet.
  • Keep out of reach of young children.

Once opened, store in the refrigerator.

Keywords: Calivita noni, Polynesian Noni Juice, Calivita, noni fruit, noni Calivita, Morinda citrifolia, strengthening the body
Polinesian Noni Juice

Calivita Noni Juice

There are remote places on Earth, where the blissful effects of civilization have left hardly any trace. Get balanced with CaliVita’s Noni products that are from Polynesia, where natives are still more exposed to the capriciousness of nature than the citizens of well-established societies.

Morinda citrifolia

Noni (Morinda citrifolia) is a unique evergreen plant indigenous to Polynesia, Malaysia, Australia and South-East Asia. It ranges in size up to a maximum of 10 meters, and bears a oblong green fruit that is exceptionally rich in beneficial micronutrients and phytochemicals.

What does noni contain and how it works
Incredibly rich composition of the noni fruit

Noni fruit contains 18 kinds of amino acids, including all of the essential aminos, as well as the complete spectrum of B vitamins. It is also rich is several excellent anti-oxidants such as vitamin C, beta-carotene, proanthocyanadin, and anthocyanadin. It contains several important minerals including calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron, manganese, and sodium. Noni is a good source of the soluable dietary fiber pectin, and contains linoleic acid, a beneficial Omega-6 fatty acid. Noni widespread success is related also to the theory that acts as an adaptogen.
Adaptogens provide safe support for normal body functions. They help keep the body in a state of natural balance, and if necessary - especially in cases of stress or increased physical / mental activity mobilize our body to act. They exhibit only the effects on physiological processes, which in this situation is desired and with no adverse effects.

Aside from all these helpful nutrients, Noni also contains an important molecule called proxeronin. The liver uses proxeronin to produces xeronin, an alkaloid which research suggests plays a role in helping support and maintain the protein structures involved in various metabolic processes, including enzymes and hormones. Our body gets a certain amount of proxeronin through a normal diet, but Noni is exceptionally rich in it.

As about 150 different nutrients have been identified in Noni fruit, it is not hard to see why Noni has been such a popular dietary supplement.

Prokseronine from noni fruit
The Noni Calivita product promotes the self-regeneration process. The molecule contained in the plant - the so-called proxeronine - allows you to produce xeronine, which is present during the course of many physiological processes. In addition, it supports the functioning of the immune and endocrine systems. It helps to maintain mental and physical balance, especially in stressful situations and moments of prolonged, strenuous physical effort. The level of proxeronine in noni fruits exceeds all the standards known from traditional food.

The freeze-dried juice with whole fruit noni
If the noni fruit are pasteurized, it is irretrievably lose a lot of valuable ingredients. These include enzymes like proxeronine, vitamins including vitamin C and flavonoids complex. Noni lyophilized preserves valuable ingredients for your health!  30 ml of juice contains 1 g of noni fruit lyophilisate.

What does noni juice help?

  • Strengthening the body, convalescence, fatigue states
  • Depression, frequent mood swings
  • Migraines, insomnia, mental dissociation
  • Pain of various origins (among others. Headache, menstrual)
  • Weakened immunity, allergies

Why choose Polinesian Noni and some useful combinations

Why choose:

  • lyophilized juice of the noni fruit
  • triple-concentrated active ingredients
  • pharmaceutical quality of raw materials
  • perfect preservation-proof packaging
  • pleasant taste
  • best seller in Europe

noni fruit
Polinesian Noni Juice
Noni + VitalMan

Unique plants in the product VitalMan has a stimulating effect on weakened or suppressed sexual desire. Combined with noni they provide extra support in the activities due to the ability of noni to increase production of nitric oxide (NO) in the body. These small molecules play a vital role in various bodily processes, and one of the most important is the ability to spread and relax blood vessels. This increases their throughput, facilitates the work of the heart that pumps blood more easily then the vessels, and eventually all of this results in better blood supply and oxygenation of all organs. Is it important for erectile dysfunction by the fact that even 85% of the all cases is due to the blood circulation dysfunction.
Noni + Rhodiolin

For those who do not manage to sleep, get up too soon, have restless sleep or can not rest regardless of the length of sleep, we recommend this fantastic combination. It has already brought many restful sleep, increase the effect of sleep, relax overstrained nerves, reduce the symptoms of depression, irritability, nervousness. The result is a better adaptation to stress in terms of an increased level of tolerance to stress factors (noise, social and financial situation, the pace of life), improved memory, increased physical and mental endurance, relaxation and a sense of satisfaction.

The first factor in the process of obtaining the cellular energy ATP, Coenzyme Q10 or ubiquinone, is gradually exhausted from the inevitable process of aging of the organism. Noni combined with coenzyme Q10 works as a natural antihistamine, tried and tested combination for all who want to help with allergies. Noni and coenzyme are natural allies in the fight against high blood pressure, arrhythmias, angina pectoris and ischemic heart disease.
Wang Mian-Ying, West, Brett J. Jensen, C. Jarakae: Morinda citrifolia (Noni): A literature review and recent advances in Noni research. Acta Pharmacol Sin 2002 Dec 23 (12): 1127-1141
Nelson, Scott C .: Species Profiles for Pacific Island agroforestry Morinda citrifolia (noni).
Saf-ur Rehman Mandukhail et al: Studies on antidyslipidemic effects of Morinda citrifolia (Noni) fruit, leaves and root extracts. Lipids in Health and Disease 2010, 9:88

Noni, the queen of fruits

Noni is one of the most popular exotic superfruits as it is extremely rich in nutrients that help preserve health. The development of modern technology, combined with CaliVita®’s environment-friendly production, ensures that you get the most out of this amazing fruit.

What are some of the benefits of consuming noni on daily bases?

  • Its antibacterial effect may help avoid infections or make their treatment easier. Certain active agents found in noni act against bacteria that most commonly cause food infection and poisoning. Other studies have proved that its effectiveness in inhibiting the bacterium causing tuberculosis is comparable to that of antibiotics.
  • Noni may effectively complement the therapy against high blood pressure.
  • A 2010 study shows that consumption of noni prevented the triglyceride and LDL cholesterol levels in the blood from rising when consuming high-fat content foods. Such blood fats are largely responsible for arteriosclerosis and a part of cardiac diseases.
  • Studies, topped with consumer testaments show that noni has alleviative and anti-inflammatory effects. Additionally, it is gentler to the stomach then anti-inflmmatory agents and causes no side-effects.
  • In vitro studies have also confirmed the extraordinary antioxidant effect of noni. During the experiment it protected the cells from free radicals almost three times as effectively as vitamin C.


Studies on antidyslipidemic effects of Morinda citrifolia (Noni) fruit, leaves and root extracts - Mandukhail et al. Lipids in Health and Disease 2010, 9:88
The Antinociceptive and Anti-inflammatory Action of the CHCl3-Soluble Phase and Its Main Active Component, Damnacanthal, Isolated from the Root of Morinda citrifolia - Kanako OKUSADA,, Kazuo NAKAMOTO, Mikako NISHIDA, Biol. Pharm. Bull. 34(1) 103—107 (2011)
Tabrah FL, Eveleth BM. Evaluation of the effectiveness of ancient Hawaiian medicine. HawaiiMed J 1966; 25: 223-30.
American ChemicalSociety: Noni plant may yield new drugs to fight tuberculosis. Press releas e the 2000 International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies. 2000.
Youngken HW, Jenkins H J,Butler CL. Studies on Morinda citrifolia L. II. J Am Pharm Assoc 1960; 49: 271-3.
Asahina AY, Ebesu JSM, Ichinotsubo D, Tongson J, Hokama Y. Effect of okadaic acid (OA) and Noni fruit extraction in the synthesis of tumor necrosis factor-a (TNF-a) by peripheral blood mononuclear (PBN) cells in vitro. The Procedings of the International Symposium of Ciguatera and Marine Natural Products; 1994. p 197-205.
Wang MY, Su C. Cancer preventive effect of Morinda citrifolia. The proceedings of the Strang International Cancer Prevention Conference. 2000 Nov 10-11, New York

Research on the fruit of Noni

Properties of noni, were known to people 6,000 years ago, and civilization originating from Europe heard about noni already in the eighteenth century.

In Sanskrit scriptures can be found mention of Noni. They show that this plant was known in ancient times. Originally grown in Southeast Asia. In India, noni was used 6000 years ago. Hence Noni was well known in the south - eastern part of Asia. To the island Polynesian noni arrived with migrating people from South Asia and Indonesia.

In the seventies of the eighteenth century James Cook in his diaries devoted  a lot of space to Noni. Later, during World War II in military manual of battlefield and survival in the tropics, issued by the US forces, has been written about the benefits and uses of this tropical plant.

The scientific work has been carried out since 1950. Already in the fifties the twentieth century you can find a few publications on noni.

In 1950. O. A. Bushnell published in the "Pacific Science" article about the antimicrobial properties of noni fruit. Bushnell and coworkers found that noni fruit extract showed moderate antibiotic properties against various strains of Salmonella and Shigella. In addition, Levand discovered that the fresh juice of the fruit is active against Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Proteus morganii, Staphybcoccus aureus, Bacillus subtilis and Escherichia coli and stated that asperubzyd - the active substance found in noni - can be an active antimicrobial component.

Then work Tabrah and Eveleth, published in the "Hawaiian Medical Journal", shows the effectiveness of Noni in traditional Hawaiian medicine.
K.K. Agarwal examined the extract of Morinda citrifolia and its pharmacological properties.

Oscar Levand, a researcher at the University of Hawaii, at the end of his studies wrote a dissertation about NONI. Demonstrated efficacy of the noni in inactivating many dangerous pathogens. In his carefully constructed theses he declared that "the medical value of the noni fruit has been scientifically confirmed in vitro by Buslinell et al., Who tested 101 Hawaiian plants for their antibacterial activity." It was discovered that the juice of the noni fruit was active against the three strains of bacteria: Staphybcoccus aureus, Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

It was also observed antibacterial activity against five different strains of enteric pathogens: Salmonella typhosa, Salmonella montevideo, Salmonella schottmuelleri, Shigella paradysenteriae BH and Shigella paradysenteriae III-z .
I should also be mentioned that noni may be doubly toxic to invading pathogens. This gives a chance for the sick, to support the treatment of raw noni juice threatening bacterial infection called SEPSIS.

The rapid development of the production of synthetic drugs over 50 years of the twentieth century thanks to pharmaceutical pressure interrupted conducted scientific work on the noni fruit and limited subsidies. Hence, further intensive research on Morinda citrifolia only began in the early 90th century. This description is not complete here, because learning through computer technology higher and higher, entering a new area of genetics, quantum physics and other research, and sometimes even space technology preparation of freeze-dried food that already in the 50 twentieth century was applied by NASA.

Key components of noni and the benefits they provide to us

Overview of the most important general effects on the body

Proxeronine and proxeronase

These are the components that are found in the noni fruit and our bodies use them for production of xeronine. Because food that is impoverished nutrients in which these components are not found, the process of protein synthesis begins using inadequate replacements such as sugar, caffeine, cocaine or nicotine. The introduction of xeronine from noni in large number makes that protein molecules will regain its function, and it will help and abandoning bad habits (taking large amounts of coffee, sugar, cocaine ...). After restoring the function of protein, processes of cellular regeneration and hormonal balance will be restored.


It has anti-inflammatory, antihistamine, antibacterial and antifungal effects, regulates blood pressure, and interacting with serotonin regulates sleep, appetite and body temperature.


Controls the activity of the infectious bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonele, E. coli and growth of precancerous cells


Leads to rejuvenation of cells making it easier to absorb nutritive and removal of toxins

Fitonutrients and selenium

Provide powerful antioxidant protection from free radicals and fiber (soluble and insoluble). Soluble dietary fiber pure blood cholesterol by binding fat and stabilize blood sugar. Insoluble dietary fibers are useful for cleansing the colon.

Noni is rich amino acids. Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins and are essential for most body functions. The term essential amino acids refers to those amino acids which are not synthesized in the body, so they must be regularly administered with food.

In the Noni there are 19 of 20 basic amino acids, including all 9 essential amino acids. Noni is rich in essential fatty acids. Fatty acids are building blocks of fats and oils. The term essential fatty acid refers to a polyunsaturated fatty acid which must be administered in the nutrition. They maintain the quality of skin, nervous tissue, protect the heart and blood vessels and improve mood. Thanks to the presence of sufficient amounts of essential fatty acids the cell membrane can effectively function in terms of taking nutritional substances and get rid of toxins.


Adaptogens are substances that have a global balancing effect on all the vital systems of the body.  Noni is one of the few plants  which alkalizes tissues (disease occurs by increasing the degree of acidity of the body). Noni facilitates the achievement of physiological alkalinity which is necessary for the preservation of good health. Antioxidant effect of recent research confirms that the Noni is one of the most effective among all investigated  antioxidants so far.

New on Noni

Polynesian Noni is still the most sought product in most of the european countries. Its triple-concentrated active ingredients, the pharmaceutical quality of raw materials, the perfect preservation-proof packaging and pleasant taste justify its price. Thousands of satisfied customers every day testifies to the fantastic activities that this plant has on our bodies. Along with anecdotal evidence further revealse, every day reveals further the chemical profile of noni. Thanks to scientific curiosity, the number and diversity of the active substances is getting bigger, and their action becomes less secret. Let's see ...

All we know for proxeronine, scopoletin, damnakantal, serotonin, but Japanese scientists, Dr. Hirazumi and Furosawa, identified substances, polysaccharides, called noni-ppt. To these they substances attributed the anti-cancer activity. Namely, these are specific polysaccharides directly involved in the immune response, which stimulates cells such as macrophages and T-cells. Noni, not only remains due to better control of blood sugar and blood pressure, but on a new dimension is an excellent means for diabetics and hypertensives.
Noni by xeronine, works at the molecular level by helping in the recovery process (regeneration) of damaged cells. The primary role of xeronine is to regulate forms of specific proteins. Since these proteins have a role in the immune, hormonal and enzymatic systems, it is clear that the use of noni may have numerous positive physiological responses.
Scopoletin is a flavonoid that has vasodilating properties (relaxes blood vessels, soothes spasms). It shows a positive effect for hypertension, spasms of the uterus, intestinal cramps, menstrual pain and so on. It also has antibacterial properties but even more important is its role in stopping and preventing inflammation. It is very beneficial in bronchial inflammation and asthma. Scopoletin is regulating hormone serotonin and indirectly helps with depression and anxiety.

Limonene is a component of noni about which little is written, but it does not deserve. Limonene is known as Badia, a substance with a strong anti-cancer activity. It increases effectiveness of liver enzymes involved in the neutralization of carcinogenic substances with which we come into contact every day. Animal studies indicate that limonene when it is contained in foods reduces the growth of breast tumors.

Eugenol is a substance contained in the Noni juice that has the ability to block inflammatory molecules (COX) almost as strong and effective as well as many well-known non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

About asperulozid - substance in Noni probably you have not heard. About this will certainly be a lot of new information. For now we know that it helps in the excretion of fluid (diuresis), reduce inflammation, problems with varicose veins and phlebitis. Scientists speak of the asperulozid action that prevent chromosome breaks, which means it has anti-mutagenic character.

Noni - "Protein and enzymatic bomb"

Modern science called noni by name - it is "Protein - Enzyme Energy Bomb". Isolation and scientific definition of its role and medicinal properties, now is not quite possible yet. Researchers must therefore confine itself to examining the role of some of them and it's also on the basis of conjecture, not a scientific certainty. Since the outcome of Noni juice is a measure of the extent of its positive effect on the human body, which is why more and more research points toward a better understanding of the plant. Science just started genetic testing, which will last many years.

Director of the Institute Treatment Natural California Dr. Devid Schechter says that he is very impressed by the enormous diversity of diseases that are subject to the action of Morinda citrifolia - cardiovascular, respiratory and osteo-arthritis, skin, digestive system and endocrine, they all benefit from the action of Noni. And what say patients of Dr. Schechter:

"... I was bedridden for 21 years. Now I play tennis regularly, two or three times a week! It's like a miracle cure, that I can walk." - Molly Ann, Santa Monica

"... Orthopedic surgeon told me that I had to get used to a limited mobility and the fact that I might never be able to enjoy hiking and biking, which I loved. Dr. Schechter supervised the my program - Treatment TMS - my pain was gone. Now I'm glad that denied what orthopedist said to me. " - Annette, Santa Monica

Chemist and researcher at the Research Center of Control over foodstuffs and Food Research, FDA, Department of Natural Products - Dr. Joseph Betz, stated in his his scientific treatise that the fruits of Morinda citrifolia provide minimize the causes of allergies and have the effect of both soothing aches and pains, as well as sedative.

Another group of scientists isolated the noni anthrachinons - bitter substances with antibacterial and antifungal regulating intestinal function and protects against diseases of the digestive system and cardiovascular. With this and similar independent research by Dr. M. Tate, to Noni assigned the title of "Polynesian penicillin."

Scientific American reported in 2000 that chemists from the University of the Philippines. St. Thomas discovered in noni leaf compounds capable of "killing the bacteria causing tuberculosis." The extract of steroids from the noni leaf "killed 89 percent of Mycobacterium tuberculosis that were exposed to the extract." Construction of the steroid applied was significantly different from the construction of steroid drugs applied in anti-tuberculosis. The head of the research team, Jonel Saludes said: "I hope that pharmaceutical companies will pay attention to our research and examine the noni as a potential source of drugs." However, if the pharmaceutical companies patent substances discovered in the plant, it will have negative consequences for biodiversity. Dr. Jonel Saludes and his team reported also the discovery that noni compounds kill Mycotuberculosis bacteria.

The researchers also showed that the Noni juice cleans the blood and helps to achieve proper body weight and helps the body adapt to changing natural conditions and acts as an antidepressant.

Dr. Neil Solomon, Noni Juice, How much, how often, for what

Dr. Neil Solomon explains in detail the health conditions, symptoms and probable causes of their origin. He explains how noni juice may help in recovery to those who drink it.
In addition, he participated in many radio and television programs, was the main commentator in the field of health on CNN TV. Dr. Neil Solomon spent more than 10 years of intensive research on noni juice, by this time asking himself questions as often as the optimal use of noni juice in a variety of diseases and health conditions.

Dr. Solomon found that people suffering from specific health disorders should have a stable dose of noni juice, depending on the state of their health.
The method of determining the dosage of noni was based on information that Dr. Solomon gathered from more than 1,200 health professionals who have clinical experience with the administration of more than 25 000 people noni juice because of ailments for which they suffered.
Dr. Neil Solomon is a doctor at Johns Hopkins Medical School, and - according to the New York Times - the best-selling author of books. He was the secretary of Health and Mental Hygiene in Maryland. He served his knowledge of four governors committees and acted as spokesman for health issues for presidents and governor authorities.
For 18 years, he gave advice readers of, "the Los Angeles Times Syndicate." Today, Dr. Solomon is working as a global nutrition advisor, serving advice for corporations and non-governmental organizations of the United Nations and the World Health Organization.

What dose

To achieve the expected results when using Noni is paramount receiving the appropriate dose for a sufficiently long period of time and so-called. discipline of drinking juice. Noni juice should be applied on an empty stomach, the fasting or 2-3 hours after eating a meal, coffee, tea, alcohol, cigarettes, and the earliest half an hour or better hour before eating, taking drugs, drinking tea, coffee, alcohol, smoking and ... brushing - as previously would start the process of digestion and juice have been digested and not absorbed by the body (cell).
Then remains for us only to give our body time to revitalize. The miracle will not happen overnight. It is a process which lasts 100-200 days, so long as the cell needs to regenerate and restore the body to homeostasis or biochemical balance, and thus health. Therefore, it is assumed that it takes so long to cure Noni juice.

When the first results

Although the first effects of drinking the juice can come much earlier, which is confirmed by the experience of many people, remember to give the juice time to operate in our body and completely restore it to health. Remembering the discipline of drinking juice and proper dose for us selected individually to our health, diagnosed the disease, its severity, body weight and age.

Overall, at least 90% of people who were observed and studied in the 3 months yielded significant results. If you want to get the effect of noni juice on the body and carefully evaluate it, it takes it 3 months.
Blood cells need three months to respond to the new nutrients. Muscle protein require 3-6 months to carry out regeneration. This is dependent on the patient.

Noni - fruit longevity

Looking for fruit that would, except for the food served and for the treatment, old Ayurvedic physicians have learned that those who eat this fruit live longer and have better health and called it ashyuka, which in Sanskrit means long life.


Noni can be taken by children and the daily amount is half the rate for adults.
When taking, it is better to take noni from plastic spoon (or the plastic cap of the original packaging), and when once opened it should be kept in the refrigerator and well shaked before use.

Polynesian noni is still one of our most popular products. Its triple-concentrated active ingredients, pharmaceutical quality raw material, perfect preservation-proof packaging and pleasant taste justify its popularity. Thousands of satisfied customers every day testify the fantastic activities that this plant has on our bodies. The substance for which the noni become known and that is in some ways the foundation of its therapeutic capabilities is a large molecule proxeronine, which body / liver converts into physiologically active form of xeronine. This is a key substance involved in the wide range of biochemical processes in the human body with an impact on all body cells - helps sick cells to re-function, and healthy to maintain health. This activity at the cellular level that allows noni operates in a number of ways so that it really make use of it. Xeronine accelerates the process of obtaining the necessary energy the body to make it easier to confront the dangers which threaten it. It significantly strengthens the immune system, participates in the production of active enzymes and facilitates the establishment of homeostasis - a condition in which the body works most compliant and effective.

Relaxation and good sleep

Noni contains another interesting substance - scopoletin. The importance of scopoletin action is that helps the pineal gland, thereby enhancing the production of two hormones - serotonin and melatonin. If you complain about insomnia, moodiness, lethargy and fatigue you should first think of insufficient amounts of these hormones. Regular use of noni provide their normal levels in the brain, which causes a better mood, better sleep, fighting depression and migraine attacks, but also reduces / regulates feelings of hunger, which is often a result of stress and turmoil.
Given that scopoletin generally can be described as a relaxation agent for the general benefit and is can be reflected in reducing  elevated  blood pressure, convulsions, muscle and menstrual pain, asthma and bronchial ailments, etc.

Noni - the famous fighter against cancer

More noni ingredients plays a role in braking phenomenon of tumor cells and tumor growth. Damnakantal is a substance that affects the tumor cells so as to change their behavior and slows their growth.
It guarantees that the work of the immune system - stimulating the formation of B- and T immune cells be crucial to fight tumors. Limonene is a known substance of strong anti-tumor activity, and as an ingredient in noni acts synergistically with proxeronine and damnakantal.
To this can be added the recently discovered substances by Japanese researchers: Hirazumi and others. Furosawa, marked them as noni-ppt. These complex sugars are directly involved in the immune response, which enhances the activity of cells such as macrophages and T-cells.
The interaction of the active ingredients of noni research confirmed the University of Hawaii in 1997 which revealed that the activity of macrophages (immune system cells) that are responsible for the "purity" of the body increases three times if we use Noni as a dietary supplement.

Good blood circulation and good potency

Noni does not contain nitrogen monoxide (NO), but stimulates its production in the body. NO is needed in a number of important bodily processes - those complex events in the brain on which depends our behavior, the ability to decipher the information stored to influence the behavior and function of blood vessels and airways. Expanding the small blood vessels in the heart muscle affects the coronary circulation and great vessels spreading influence on blood pressure. Because this is a NO key ingredient to prevent and remedy the situation after a heart attack or stroke. Nitric oxide improves bowel function, prevent adhesion of blood platelets (thrombocytes), helps the secretion of insulin, growth hormone, and is known and recognized as natural remedy for potency.

Stop inflammation and pain

Less well-known ingredients of noni - asperulozid and  eugenol make life easier with chronic inflammation. Asperulozid with anti-inflammatory activity stimulates the secretion of fluid (diuresis).
Eugenol is able to block the formation of inflammatory molecules (COX) almost as strong and effective as well as many well-known non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. It is very important for those who suffer from inflammatory diseases of joints  (rheumatoid arthritis). Noni is also known as pain killer in migraine, and many people made possible life without headaches.

Noni for digestion

Finally good digestion. Noni can help large number of people suffering from the chronic constipation and hard stools which is understandable, because noni contains an enzyme that helps the digestive system.

The use of Noni Juice with other drugs

The name Polynesian Noni literally means "stir something." Polynesian healers had extensive experience on the use of the juice from the fruit of Morinda citrifolia. They noted that when administered to a patient some other drug substance, then it works even better when you add the juice of Noni.

Kahunas did not understand the biochemical processes, but the property entered into in the name of this wonderful fruit as a "no-ni," which in Polynesian means "stir into something."

Today scientists explain this fact quite simple - it is known that Noni is very rich in protein.
These proteins have different abilities and destiny, one nourish the cell and provide building materials, others like damnacanthal have the ability to repair genetic code, some other transport valuable nutrients to the cells.

Natural juice of the noni fruit provides the ideal mixture of substances. Thus, it supports and propels biochemical processes in the body.
In the Noni juice among other things, there is a lot of transport chelates, which the nature has provided in the "Code" opening membrane channels in all natural forms of living cells, including these in our body. Man is part of nature - fully accepts and absorbs a high degree of natural ingredients binding amino acid transport (chelates), which can open the most "stubborn and jammed channels in cell membranes."

Our body does not like synthetics absorb - chemical forms of vitamins, minerals, antibiotics or other drugs, which are not in connection with the chelate (protein transport) and poorly absorbs them. To assimilate them in small amounts, it must use its own reserves of protein and energy, thereby weakening the resistance. And it is always "something for something" - has side effects including the poisoning of the body.

Noni juice can also be used when medications - there are almost no contraindications.

Thus, Noni does not negate the role of modern medicine, but on the contrary - it was found that in the case of cancer, the treatment effect was more effective when combined action of Noni with reduced doses of standard chemotherapy. With Noni juice we can avoid unpleasant side effects of medication, reduce the amount or even discontinued. Very often it happens that after the special examination, the doctor reduces the dose of the drug, even to eliminate it. Noni enhances the effectiveness of medications as well as dietary supplements and herbs. "

Nono, my good grandfather ...

For the last years, our Polynesian Noni delight their customers and consistently holds first place as the most wanted product. Not without reason, because the properties of this Polynesian fruit was well known far in the past ........

..... The ancient Indian scientists have studied the nature of the world and looking for fruit that would, except for the food served for treatment. They developed a system of using plants for medicinal purposes, which is called Ayurveda. In the ancient Ayurvedic texts is a mention the grandmothers and as ashyuka, which in Sanskrit means long life. It has been reported that this plant contributes to balance the body and perfect health. When the Europeans discovered the Polynesian islands, Captain James Cook in his writings describes the use of noni for medical purposes. Other ancient people thought this plant, including in the old myth of Tonga after the deity Maui dies, the life returns so that it is covered with leaves of noni. During World War II, American soldiers who stayed on the islands of Polynesia in their manuals have been instructed that the use of noni is useful and safe in order to strengthen and restore power .....

As for the name, you will not make a mistake if you call nono, nona, nonino, moni, non, nino, a nun, because these are all names for the noni plant, depending on the nation or tribe that knows it. But you can call it Bunuel, Pine, ladda, kura, ach, bug, molagha or even own imagination a new name, but one thing is certain, as you call it, this divine fruit remains what it actually is - the fruit of longevity.

Also try the new original Organic Noni juice

Treasures of Untouched Nature: Juice of organic noni fruit

Organic Noni provides the body of valuable nutrients, such as amino acids, vitamins, minerals, and a very important proxeronine. Noni fruit included in the product comes from the organic farms and therefore must comply with rigorous criteria for organic production. In addition, organic production does not pollute the soil and water, and the producted fruit are tastier and richer in nutrients.
Follow the trends, be eco!

Organic Noni

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