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Joint ProteX - Complexe gezamenlijke bescherming

Calivita Joint ProteX
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90 tabletten

Het behoud van de gezamenlijke gezondheid van essentieel belang is in het dagelijks leven. De meest voorkomende oorzaken van articulaire vervorming ontwikkeling zijn: overgewicht, verkeerde voeding, ofwel een sedentaire of overmatige inspanning manier van leven (ace sporten, zwaar lichamelijk werk) en stress. Joint Protex is om de gezondheid van onze gewrichten ondersteunen.
Hoeveelheid in voorraad: 8
39.90 €
Het product is beschikbaar in Speciale aanbieding >>

Joint ProteX - Hyaluronzuur, kurkuma, glucosamine en chondroïtine voor gezonde gewrichten

Joint ProteX
Complex joint protection

Glucosamine 250 mg / Chondroitin 200 mg is a food supplement with zinc, manganese, glucosamine, chondroitin&MSM with glycosaminoglycan, cetyl myristoleate and boswellia and turmeric extracts.  

Support your bones with zinc and manganese, important minerals for maintenance of normal bones. Manganese also has a role in the formation of connective tissue.

To whom and for what do we recommend it?

The preservation of joint health is of key importance in everyday life. The most frequent causes of articular deformation development are: excess body weight, improper diet, either a sedentary or overstraining way of life (ace sports, hard physical work) and stress. Joint ProteX is designed to support the health of our joints.

Healthy joints

Healthy joints is something many people take for granted. Once they experience joint problems, however, they realize how important smooth and pain-free joint function is to the quality and enjoyment of life. The most common factor which may cause reduced, improper, or painful joint function is aging, but other factors can contribute as well. These factors may include genetics, medical conditions such as arthritis and gout, and overstraining the joints through sports or hard physical work.

Are you worried that you may have problems getting out of bed or climbing stairs in the future? Not to mention practicing your favorite sports ...

There are several, naturally-occurring compounds which evidence indicates may help support proper and healthy functioning of the joints. Glucosamine is a precursor to glycosaminoglycans, which is a major component of joint cartilage. Chondroitin sulfate may help lubricate the joints, and, as it is a form of glycosaminoglycan, it acts synergically with glucosamine. Methyl-sulfonyl-methane (MSM) plays an important role in the synthesis of connective tissue proteins. Together, these three ingredients help provide nutritional support for cartilage matrix maintenance and repair.

Hyaluronic acid is one of the most abundant components of the connective tissue matrix. Its extreme negative charge and high molecular weight help bind large amounts of water, thereby helping to support proper hydration of the joints. Cetyl-myristoleate supports the healthy structure of cartilage tissue. Boswellia serrata (Indian incense tree), Meadowsweet, and Tumeric all have benefitial properties.

Healthy joints without pain

Statistical data shows that today problems with joints concern not only the elderly, but also even 20-year-olds! So find out ... how to care for your joints.

It is necessary to perform regular, balanced and properly adjusted physical activity and a proper diet containing active ingredients responsible for strengthening and maintaining joint health. Joint ProteX is a comprehensive set of specially selected active ingredients with a nutritional and physiological effect that positively affect the flexibility and flexibility of joints (turmeric, meadowsweet herb, Boswelia Serrata Extract), bone health (zinc, manganese, turmeric) and the proper formation of connective tissues, including articular cartilage (manganese, meadowsweet herb). The active ingredients of the product also have antioxidant properties (zinc, manganese, turmeric) and support the proper functioning of the immune system (zinc, turmeric). The product formula has also been enriched with a high dose of glucosamine and chondroitin - components of cartilage tissue, as well as hyaluronic acid and methylsulfonylmethane.

How joints work and how to best care for them
Joints are mobile connections between bones. The surfaces of the adjoining bones are covered with articular cartilage and surrounded by an articular capsule, which consists of an outer fibrous membrane and an inner synovium. The synovial membrane secretes a thick and sticky synovial fluid that facilitates movement in the joint, moisturizing the joint cartilage reduces friction in the joint, which prevents their rapid deformation. Many factors can adversely affect the joints and disrupt their work, so you should take care of them systematically, leading a proper lifestyle, as well as provide natural ingredients necessary to protect, build and regenerate joints.

How the active ingredients of Joint ProteX support proper joint function.

Glucosamine and chondroitin
Glucosamine sulphate and chondroitin sulphate act synergistically to help build and protect the main structural elements of cartilage. They affect the proper mobility of joints, as well as maintaining their integrity and regeneration.

Hyaluronic acid
Hyaluronic acid - as a natural moisturizing substance - guarantees the viscosity of joint fluids and reduces friction on the surface of the cartilages.

Methylsulfonylmethane ("MSM") is beneficial in maintaining proper cartilage structure.

Zinc and manganese
Minerals - zinc and manganese help maintain proper bone structure. In addition, the formula contains plants that help maintain the proper function of the joints.

Boswelia Serrata Extract
Takes care of keeping joints in good condition. Supports blood circulation in the joints. It can have a positive effect on the performance of movements.

It cares for the proper formation of connective tissues, including articular cartilage. It has a positive effect on the condition of the joints.

Turmeric extract
It shows antioxidant activity, supporting the protection of cells against oxidative stress. It cares for the proper flexibility of joints and bone health.

Who do we recommend Joint ProteX to?

Supplementation with active ingredients Joint ProteX has a positive effect on the mechanical and elastic properties of joints, and thus contributes to the improvement of the condition of the locomotor system.

Who needs it most?
  • People who want to support the proper functioning of the joints and provide them with additional protection;
  • Aiming to maintain proper functions of the musculoskeletal system;
  • Athletes and physically active people;
  • Subject to joint loads - performing heavy physical work;
  • People after injuries and contusions within the musculoskeletal area;
  • During convalescence and rehabilitation;
  • People with excess body weight;
  • People with a sedentary lifestyle;
  • Women in the menopausal period;
  • The elderly;
  • People who eat irrationals.

food supplement Calivita: Joint ProteX

90 tablets, 115 g


3x1 tablet with meal or as directed

Joint ProteX active ingredients

Glucosamine HCl (shellfish) 250 mg
Chondroitin Sulphate 200 mg
Glucosaminoglucan 150 mg
Methyl-sulfonyl-methane (MSM) 150 mg
Cetyl-miristoleate (CMT) 50 mg
Hyaluronic acid (complex) 50 mg
Boswelia Serrata Extract (25%) 50 mg
Filipendula ulmaria (meadowsweet) 40 mg
Turmeric extract (95%) 10 mg
Zinc (gluconate) 5 mg
Manganese (gluconate) 1 mg

glucosamine, hyaluronic acid (shark cartilage) - These active ingredients may cause allergy or intolerance.
  • You should consult with a qualified medical practitioner before taking any supplement.
  • This product is intended for adults only. Do not use if you are pregnant or nursing.
  • This product contains ingredients derived from shellfish. Do not use if you are allergic or sensitive to shellfish.
  • If you are sensitive to salicylic acid or aspirin, or if you are diabetic, or if you are being treated for cholesterol levels, or if you have any other type of medical condition, seek qualified medical advice before using this product.
  • Do not exceed the recommended daily intake.
  • Food supplements cannot substitute for a balanced mixed diet.
  • Keep out of reach of young children.

Keywords: Joint Protex, Calivita, joints, cartilage restoration, joint pain

Recensies over Calivita Joint ProteX

Joint Protex for healthy joints
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